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Occult Science Blog
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Next US President ?

Who will be the next US President ...

Well,,here is the answer...

Considering the fact that we have no clear palm-photo of any of them , it would be a little difficult to judge but not impossible. Any way, refering to my old messages on this regard in the same forum , I am forced to get the help of Numerology & Physiognomy.

Election date: Nov, 4, 2008 which comes to 11+4=15=6 & 15+8=23=5

Mr. McCain : Born- august, 29, 1936,,8+29=1 & 36=9

Captured during- war Oct, 26, 1967,,10+26=9 & 9+67=4

Tortured in captivity- August, 1968,, 8 & 5

Senior senator assumed office- jan, 3, 1987,, 1+3=4 & 87=6

Divorced- 1980,, 80=8

Mr. Obama : Born- Aug,4, 1961 ,, 8+4=12=3 & 3+61=1

Death of father- 1982,,10=1

Travel to Indonesia with mother when was 10 years-1967,,67=13=4

Ofcourse there are many more dates in both cases but have been dropped as to make it short.

Both candidates are born in August,,For Mr. Mccain,,No 4 is very unlucky but for the other is quite lucky.Date of Election is also 4.


Posted by five.starz at 7:32 PM
Indian Mega star , Chiranjeevi

Chiranjeevi , Chiru

Name > Starting with C = 3
DOB: Aug, 22, 1955 > 4+8=12=3 & 3+1955=5
No. of Children: 3
Zodiac sign : Virgo = Governed by Mercury = 5
Wife's name : Surekha = 5
Mother's name : Anjana Devi = 1+4=5
Son's DOB: March, 27, 1985 > 3+9=12=3
Diploma in Acting: June, 30, 1978 = 30=3
Address of Chiranjeevi Charitable Trust: 6-3-345/16, Hindi Nagar, PanjaGutta, Hyderabad - 500 034 > 6+3+345=12=3 & 500034=12=3

Clearly can be observed that numbers 12 & 3 have effective presence to his success, luck & fortune.

Date of announcing his political party: Aug, 26, 2008 > 8+8+8=24=6  ,, Unlucky for him.
So why did not announce on his birth day which was quite auspicious for him? Aug, 22, 2008

As for Physiognomy , he has following God gifted features:
-Ear Lobes : showing a kind hearted person with ancestors to be known as religious
-Line in between eye-brows on the crown of the nose : Highly skilled in Management
-Eye brows : Art , Calculative mind , Vigour & vitality
-Eyes : Excellent orator , good memory
-Nose : No value for money , Management , health
-Chin : Benevolence , will power , Fighter
-Face : Like lion , leader , individualist , learned


Posted by five.starz at 7:31 PM
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Sant Shri Asaram Bapuji

Since 3 days am watching Tv news & papers on the reports of the murders at the Asaram in MP & Gujarat. I am not a type to watch tv-discourses of clergy people regularly. Suddenly some thing stock me. Why Media is after this Holy-man & his establishments. May be they have their own reasons. But for me some thing is 100% sure.
This Holyman is really means what he says.
He is an excellent orator who talks from depth of the matter.
He is not after position in life & 100% against any violence.
He is master builder whether construction of beliefs.
He is destined to be a Holyman.
According to the society his fault is Trusting 100% to his beliefs whether a person or a subject or a motive or a VISHWAS.
And many more,,,,My scientific reasons are based on Physiognomy & Palmistry, as I have never met him or had any prior detailed observation .
His eyes show his oratory, power of speech & memory
His forehead shows his memory power, benevolence.
His eyebrows show his power of observation, health & diplomacy.
His cheeks are full of life & joy but not only for himslf but for all.
His right hand with the Sun line moving up is his holy power,,every good thing is bestowed upon him.
His index finger shows his religious mind & away from luxury of life & glamour. He hates to be a king.He is a follower but follower of his deepest religious teachings.
His thumb shows his non-attachment to material world as he gives away on the spot & on the request. He is like a pillar to his beliefs without any diversion from his path.
So I think Media is better to go after the real culprits.

May I have your opinion,,please? Snt Shri Asaram Bapuji

Posted by five.starz at 12:20 PM
Sunday, 8 June 2008

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Posted by five.starz at 1:02 PM
Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Omens :

Do not kill Bee , spider

Bed towards north is short life

Good luck : pick up a piece of coal from the ground on a road

Front door always towards a road

While closing the front door, face towards it.

Always break the egg shell after using its yolk.

Fire with coal : never put it off completely

Fish : start eating from tail towards head

Fork: do not stir by fork

Hair: to cut on new moon

House: once out of house, if returned has to sit and wait for some time, then again move out.

Posted by five.starz at 9:36 PM
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
R.apoor, Bollywood film star


Ranbir Kapoor, Bollywood film star

Signs on his face:

-Hair covering his forehead... blocking his luck

-Eye brows... a good starter who has to reach the victory at the end

-Nose... optimist, good stamina,power of natural animation

-Eyes... secretive, artistic talent

-Ear lobes... passionate, compassionate, family lover

-Fingers... follower of detailes, business-minded, problem with blood pressure in old age, follows a particular set of routin

-Cheeks... money is not the first thing

-Lips... true to his word, artist, passionate, only good food

-Reaching pinnacle of his career after 30s after a little struggle, note worthy problems during 40s.

Posted by five.starz at 7:48 PM

JOIN ...


Our aim would be to promote the ancient Vedic Occult to the general public ,

Through which ...

-to solve their problems

-to contribute to every expansion of Vedic

-to utilize our resources to change an unbeliever to a believer one

-to publish notes, articles & books

-to participate in various fairs & shows

-to bring up the new generation

-to bring all Vedics around the world uder one roof

You can be any person from any walks of life with any back-ground & education or any race & religion ...

We are going to contribute freely without expecting any worldly reward.


Posted by five.starz at 7:33 PM
Friday, 22 February 2008
Next US President - Obama

Obama , the next president ? 

Following signs as shown on the face, indicate :

1-     mole close to nose – risk taker + ample of  luck

2-     mole on the bridge of nose, below crown- unexpected luck+ problems during 40s

3-     nose- luck + excellent lungs + healthy heart + optimist person

4-     upper lip-knows the art of politics

5-     ears-not a loose spender

6-     chin-good will power + fighting till visctory

7-     teeth-values every penny

8-     light mole on neck-good orator

9-     eyebrows-loves his family + good health

10- forehead-satisfied old age


In presence of other favourable parameters, he would be the next president :

considering date of birth & date of election and results

his complete known name + mother’s name

nullification of opposite energies-bad chi


Other points to poner ....

-Straight hair line

-Width of both nostrils

-Bulging above eyebrows

-Length & style of eyebrows

-Lines close to mouth

-ear lobes

-Groove above lip

-Lower lip

-Shape of chin

Posted by five.starz at 10:04 PM
Monday, 18 February 2008
Now Playing: Remedial measures for professionals

-Protection against Fire in a factory  :  Place empty sacks / jute bags of sugar at the top of Building .

-To succeed over Dragon’s tail in politics : Offer in charity ,black and white Blankets .

-If  suddenly your Dog dies  :  Bring another dog after a week but not before seven days .

-To increase memory :  Eat sweet and soar pomegranate with its white parts attached .

-Garlic :  Not good for infants and skin irritations .

-Coffee :  Extra consumption not good for Heart , Blood pressure & Nervous system .

-Diabetes : Avoid Carrot and its juice .

-Too many mosquitoes around your bed : Cut an onion into two , place them next to bed.

-Your heart will remain healthy :  Always , every day , as long as alive , eat two Apples .

-Never and never , drink water after consumption  of Fruits .

-Wish to have baby :  Have Milk and Honey together  &/or Cheese in the night .

-Too much Chlorine in the body : The person cracks unpleasant Jokes . Ever hungry .

-Nightmares :  Place a metal out of Steel under the pillow .

-Tin : This metal is related to Jupiter , Divination , Luck & Money .

-Coal : A piece of Coal in the house , brings money luck and appeases Saturn .

-Salt : A bowl of Sea-Salt in the bathroom that is changed regularly is beneficial .

-Drink water in a personal silver vessel .

-Money dries out : Better to change your leather purse .

-Never keep Holy items , pictures , books , writing in the Bed-room .

-Better Finance : Do not eat Onion & Garlic on Thursdays .

-To get rid of  Debt  :  Wear Black Under-wear .

-Problem with in-laws : Do not cut Hair , wear white hair-band .

-Health of wife : Donate white Barley equal to weight of wife .

-Altercation : Donate Sweets .

-Son’s financial progress & domestic happiness : Bury seven square copper pieces on Sunday between 8 to 10 in the morning .

-Sleepless nights , hand to mouth living : Forgive & forget is the best revenge .

-For Wealth & Prosperity : Donate rice or milk or silver during Daughter’s birth-day .

-When Moon is dormant & asleep in house no. 5 : Take some sweets,sugar,etc before leaving the house .

-Malefic Venus in house no. 12 : Bury articles of Venus’ enemies ( rahu,sun,moon) in a deserted place .

-A dark room at the end of the house is auspicious to wealth .

-If you lost your shoes never buy a replacement immediately .

-During bad days : Get help from sun, wear a copper coin around neck .

-For respite from problems in a business or career : Throw Coal in running water .

-Recurring cases of illness : Donate ripe yellow pumpkin regularly to a holy place .

-Sun malefic causes : Irregular heart beat, epilepsy, insanity, blood pressure, froth from mouth, insanity.

A/m remedies are ONLY for professionals who know how to use them and individuals are requested ,NOT to use any of them . Always remember , at the time of sickness , go directly to a qualified Doctor .

Posted by five.starz at 12:09 AM

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