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Is it a Science ?

Age old Vedic astrology

Known to human race since thousands of years , initiated from INDIA and travelled to the rest of the world .
Western type is besed on consideration of the position of SUN at the time of birth , INDIAN Vedic is based mainly on MOON . It is more precised and accurate as  moon affects all living beings . Our body consists a great amount of water , in bones,cells,brain,blood,kidney,liver and so on. Tides are a direct effect of moon , so why not our body and mental persuits ?
Here are some points to ponder ...
-How could our leaarned ancestors cast a chart of astrology without having quartz watch to find the exact hour,minute and second
-How could they find the exact geographical position of a place w/o GPRS
-How come they did not give the exact date of world events in future
-How come most of astrologers and other occult practitioners were and are penniless though they could save others from this misfortune
-Why is astrology being called a pseudo-science
-Why is an astrologer helpless in casting his own future
All a/m have answeres , just seek them .

Signs of zodiac


  ARIES-Brain, cerebral hemispheres, cranium, face

  TAURUS-Neck, throat,  tonsils, lower jaw, ears, cerebellum,  thyroid gland

  GEMINI-Shoulders, arms, hands, upper ribs, lungs

            CANCER-stomach, diaphragm, the mammae, upper  liver

  LEO-Heart, spinal cord, aorta

  VIRGO-Abdominal region, large and small intestines

  LIBRA-Kidneys, adrenals system

  SCORPIO-Uteros, genitals, descending, prostate gland

  SAGITTARIUS-Hips, thighs, sacral

  CAPRICORN-Skin, knees, joints

 AQUARIUS-Lower limbs

  PISCES-Feet, toes, fibrin


Chinese zodiac

For a safe Journey
Throw Rice , Wheat into running water
Take sweets before exit

Five Starz...T-20,Super Mall,Salunke Vihar,wanowrie,Pune,411040,INDIA